The 50 Most-Frequently Cited Articles

in J Telemed Telecare as of October 1, 2010 — updated monthly

1.  D Ryan, W Cobern, J Wheeler, D Price, L Tarassenko
Mobile phone technology in the management of asthma

J Telemed Telecare Jul 01, 2005; 11: 43-46.

(In “PAPERS”)  



2.  Tom H F Broens, Rianne M H A Huis in”t Veld, Miriam M R Vollenbroek-Hutten, Hermie J Hermens, Aart T van Halteren, Lambert J M Nieuwenhuis
Determinants of successful telemedicine implementations: a literature study

J Telemed Telecare Sep 01, 2007; 13: 303-309.

(In “Research: Original articles”)  



3.  Kari Haukipuro, Arto Ohinmaa, Ilkka Winblad, Teppo Linden, Saija Vuolio
The feasibility of telemedicine for orthopaedic outpatient clinicsa randomized controlled trial

J Telemed Telecare Aug 01, 2000; 6: 193-198.

(In “Original Article”)  



4.  Kristjan Port, Kairit Palm, Margus Viigimaa
Daily usage and efficiency of remote home monitoring in hypertensive patients over a one-year period

J Telemed Telecare Jul 01, 2005; 11: 34-36.

(In “PAPERS”)  



5.  Claude Sicotte, Pascale Lehoux, Julie Fortier-Blanc, Yves Leblanc
Feasibility and outcome evaluation of a telemedicine application in speech–language pathology

J Telemed Telecare Sep 01, 2003; 9: 253-258.

(In “Original Article”)  





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Last Updated: 10/06/2010 11:57:32